alamk, baru perasan, hari ni adalah tarikh tutup mombloggersplanet punye contest.. harap2 entry ni diterima.. sori Pn. Penganjur, sy terlambat menghantar penyertaan..
just follow the steps below and you could grab one of the wonderful prizes.
- Get a photo of your baby in RED (red dress/red shirt/red pant/red hat/red towel/red blanket… no! you can’t paint your baby red…ha..ha..ha)
- Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest
- Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth.
- Explain why your baby should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“
- Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
- Leave a comment here with link to your blog post. That’s it! Easy peasy.
Here are the links that must be included in your blog entry.
MomBloggersPlanet :
PhotoBookMalaysia :
AliceWonders :
Terms & Condition
- This contest is opened to Malaysian babies 0-3 years old only.
- Entry must be submitted by a parent or legal guardian.
- Contest starts from 1st to 15th June 09.
- By participating, you expressly consent for your particulars and photos to be posted on .
- The First and Second Prize winners will be automatically qualified for the 2009 Cutest Baby of the Planet contest.
- MomBloggersPlanet will select the winners
- AliceWonders and PhotoBook Malaysia will handle the prizes delivery to Malaysian address for free. Any delivery outside of Malaysia would have to be chargeable.
- Winners are requested to make a blog entry about the prizes they won with link back to MomBloggersPlanet, PhotoBookMalaysia and/or Alice Wonders.
- Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained
- Winners will be announced on and also will be contacted via email.
- reserves the rights to change, amend, delete or add on to these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to you and shall become effective on such date as determine by us. You agree to be bound by such amendments.
- reserves the right to cancel the contest at any stage, if deemed necessary in our opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of our control.
This month’s Cutest Baby Photo Contest is proudly sponsored by:
hadia2 dia sgt menarik.. klik kt sini utk tgk hadiah2nya..-------------------------------------------------------------------
actually, utk contest kali ni, iBu nk masukkan tiga2 sekali, tp da try snap gmbr2 twins, semua x jadik, tgk la ni...
ni daYini.. buat muke blur plak..
so, finally, dpt jugak tangkap gmbr nasuha comel pakai skaf merah.. so, da decide utk masukkan nasuha sorg je dlm contest ni..
Nama baby : Nasuha Binti Syahrul Khair
Umur : 7 bulan
Tarikh Lahir : 28 Oct 2008
why your baby should grab the title “Cutest Baby in Red“ :-
bg iBu naSuha sgt sesuai utk memenangi "cutest baby in red" kerana merah itukan menawan, bila naSuha memakai skaf merah ini, muka nasuha yang comel itu terus menjadi comel & menawan.. dgn senyuman yg ternganga-nganga itu membuatkan naSuha semakin comel & menawan & dgn kecomelan & kemurahan senyuman naSuha membuatkan naSuha berganda2 comel & menawan dgn skaf MERAH ini... lagi2 bile iBu berangan2an nk masukkan gmbr2 nasuha yg ternganga2 & tersengih2 dgn skaf merah ni dlm photobook.. yg paling best bile dpt membawa photobook yg ade gmbr2 nasuha & kakak2 nasuha kt dlm beg2 alicewonders yg cantik2 itu.. bestnye... pasti lebih menawan!
geram betul untie tgk nasuha ni..nak geget2 jekk...
ReplyDeletegud luck syahnur!!
tq aunty syahadah.. auw, jgn la geget nacuha!
ReplyDeletewahhhh.. merahnya mak ngah.. nak ngorat bleh???
ReplyDelete-Ian- :P
wah.. Ian, nacuha ajak kuar date la.. wink wink ;)
ReplyDeletemerah merah nyer skaf nasuha...